Does Short Selling In AMC Mean The Stock Is A Horror Movie?


Posted Mar 13, 2023

Reads 7.2K

Woman Holding Tomatoes
Credit:, Woman Holding Tomatoes

Short selling has been a hot topic in the world of investing lately, especially when it comes to meme stocks. The story originally appeared in early 2021, when AMC Entertainment (NYSE: AMC) became one of the most talked-about meme stocks on social media platforms like Reddit. Short selling and short covering have played a significant role in AMC's rollercoaster ride, with continued short selling leading to a bounce due to a potential short squeeze.

However, there is a contrarian viewpoint that argues against the idea that short sellers are solely responsible for AMC's unpredictable behavior. While amc's short-interest ratio and marketbeats short-interest data indicate a total number of shares sold short and recent percentage of amc shares shorted, previous reports suggest that the number of shares shorted has slightly lowered over time. For starters, put aside the horror movie comparisons - is AMC really as scary as it seems? In terms of its long-term performance, the stock has had a dismal uninterrupted string of price declines that no investor would want to sustain. However, on a positive note, AMC's restructuring allowed it to raise much-needed cash revenue at quadruple-digit rates according to MarketBeat earnings data show despite reporting losses beaten views.

These Are the Most and Least Affordable Places to Retire in The U.S.

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Credit:, Person Shopping Online

Looking to retire in the U.S.? Then you'll want to take a look at the most and least affordable places to settle down. According to a recent study, states in the west coast tend to be more expensive for retirees, while areas in the mountain state region tend to be more affordable.

The study conducted by Madeline Garfinkle analyzed factors such as housing costs, healthcare expenses, and taxes. It found that Hawaii was the most expensive place to retire, followed by California and Oregon. On the other hand, the most affordable places were found in states like Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. So if you're on a budget but still want to live out your retirement dreams, it may be worth considering these mountainous regions.

Ask Marc | Free Business Advice Session with the Co-Founder of Netflix

Are you interested in short selling? Do you want to learn more about this strategy and how it can benefit your business? Then don't miss the opportunity to participate in the free business advice session with Marc Randolph, the Co-Founder of Netflix. The session will take place on September 1st at 3 pm EDT, and it's open to all entrepreneurs who want to learn from one of the most successful business leaders in history. Don't miss this chance to get valuable insights and advice from a true industry expert!

Things to Keep in Mind When Short Selling

Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting on Floor
Credit:, Woman in White Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting on Floor

Short selling can be a risky strategy, and it's important to keep certain things in mind before diving in. Firstly, remember the previously mentioned risk of losing money if the stock's price rises instead of falls. Additionally, there are other additional risks associated with short selling such as unlimited potential losses and margin calls. Therefore, it is essential that investors do their research and understand the risks involved before making any decisions.

1. Shorting Uses Borrowed Money

Short selling is a well-known investment technique that involves betting against the market. This process is executed through margin trading, which means that investors borrow money from their brokerage firm to make trades. Margin accounts are necessary for shorting because it allows traders to borrow money and sell stock they don't own.

When borrowing money, traders have to follow the minimum maintenance requirement set by their brokerage firm. This requirement ensures that traders keep enough cash in their account to cover potential losses. If the account slips below this limit, the brokerage firm will issue a margin call requiring additional funds or assets to be deposited.

Short selling can be risky because it relies on predicting market trends correctly. However, it can also be profitable if executed correctly. With borrowed money, investors can take advantage of downward trends and make a profit even when prices fall.

Learn to Profit from Falling Prices in the Stock Market


Short selling is a strategy that allows investors to profit from falling prices in the stock market. This involves selling borrowed shares in the hope of buying them back at a lower price, thereby profiting from the difference. Short selling can be done using inverse ETFs or by directly shorting stocks through a margin account.

Short selling is not without risks. In fact, losses can magnify quickly if the price of the stock goes up instead of down. That's why it's important for investors to do their research and have a solid understanding of the market benchmark before engaging in short selling.

If you're interested in exploring short selling as an investment strategy, there are many resources available to help you get started. Featured partner offers like SoFi Automated Investing offer access to professional guidance and automated tools that can help you make informed decisions about your investments. With careful planning and research, short selling can be a powerful tool for profiting from falling prices in the stock market.

Master Coding for Less Than $2 a Course with This Jam-Packed Bundle

Woman Working At Home Using Laptop
Credit:, Woman Working At Home Using Laptop

Looking to learn how to code but don't want to break the bank? Look no further than this beginner-friendly coding bundle that's jam-packed with courses designed to make coding understandable for even the most novice of learners. With courses priced at less than $2 each, you can master a wide range of programming languages and techniques without emptying your wallet. Don't let cost hold you back from pursuing your passion for coding – grab this incredible bundle today and start your journey towards becoming a coding pro!

Discover the Fundamentals of Short Selling and How It Works


Short selling is a trading strategy used by experienced traders to profit from a security's price decline. This advanced strategy involves borrowing shares of a stock that the investor believes will decrease in value and then selling those borrowed shares at the market price. The goal is to buy back the shares at a lower cost, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference as profit.

While short selling may seem like an easy way to make money, it comes with significant risks. Since borrowed shares must eventually be returned, losses can theoretically be unlimited if the security's price continues to rise instead of fall. However, for those who understand the fundamentals of short selling and are willing to take on this risk, it can be a valuable tool in their trading arsenal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are short sales and how do they work?

Short sales occur when a homeowner sells their property for less than they owe on their mortgage. The lender agrees to the sale and forgives the remaining debt. This process requires approval from both the lender and seller.

What is short selling stocks?

Short selling stocks is when an investor borrows shares of a stock and sells them with the hope that the stock price will decline, so they can buy them back at a lower price and return them to the lender, profiting from the difference.

What are the pros and cons of short selling?

Short selling allows investors to profit from a decline in stock prices, but it also carries significant risks and can result in unlimited losses. It requires a lot of skill and knowledge to execute successfully, making it a strategy suitable for experienced investors only.

What is the risk of loss on a short sale?

The risk of loss on a short sale is high, as the investor is betting against the stock's value and may need to buy back shares at a higher price than they sold them for. However, setting stop-loss orders can help limit potential losses.

Pauline Vega

Senior Writer

Pauline Vega is a writer and blogger who loves to share her thoughts and experiences with the world. She has always been passionate about writing, and over the years, she has honed her skills to become an accomplished wordsmith. Her blog is a platform where she expresses her views on various topics, including lifestyle, travel, and wellness.