How to Future-Proof Your Career in Tech


Posted Mar 13, 2023

Reads 2.2K

Person Reaching Out to a Robot
Credit:, Person Reaching Out to a Robot

In today's rapidly changing world, it's crucial to future proof your career in tech. Significant shifts and disruption caused by evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain-based innovations have made it more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. But how can you ensure that your skills are perfectly refined, and that you'll remain relevant over the next 10 years?

It's essential to remember that technology has a cyclical nature - what's popular today may not be tomorrow. As we navigate our way through the current downturn, tech professionals need to be aware of disruptive technologies on the horizon. By staying informed, adapting to change, and being willing to learn new skills, you can make sure that you're well-prepared for whatever lies ahead. In this article, we'll explore some tips for future-proofing your career in tech so that you can thrive in an ever-changing landscape.

Glimpsing the Future with Disruptive Technologies


The rapid pace at which technology advances can be overwhelming, but it also provides new opportunities to leverage innovation and drive growth. From simple tasks automation to design neural networks trained on huge data sets, disruptive technologies continue to significantly speed up processes and solve tasks in unorthodox ways. To remain competitive in this ever-evolving technology landscape, tech professionals need to continuously update their skill set and value out-of-the-box thinking.

One of the most in-demand skills is user experience (UX) development, which involves solving complex architectural and scaling problems while creating creative solutions that improve user interface (UI) and overall UX design. Higher mathematics and analytical reasoning are also important skills for individuals looking to delve into cloud computing or artificial intelligence. However, it's not just about technical expertise – people management skills are increasingly valued as well.

As technology advances, so too do the horizons including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and analytical reasoning. These fields are expected to remain highly sought after by companies seeking professionals who can leverage innovation to drive growth. However, it's not enough to simply possess these skills – tech professionals must remain updated on the latest advancements and continuously hone their craft if they hope to stay ahead of the game. The future is bright for those willing to embrace disruptive technologies and use them to their advantage.

Balancing cost with ROI: the three biggest challenges for CFOs


Balancing cost with ROI is a pressing and intersecting challenge faced by astute CFOs. The Gartner Global CFO Poll 2022 found that 69 percent of senior leaders recognise the need to increase spend on digital transformation programmes to achieve rapid returns quickly. However, achieving efficiency savings while investing in significant technological change can be challenging.

To meet sustainability targets and win much-needed reprieve helping organisations ultimately achieve their goals, CFOs must focus on three key areas: cost optimisation, supply chain, and energy. Cost savings are critical for funding future digital investment while ensuring that the business operations remain profitable. Supply chain management needs an agile approach and flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions. Energy consumption is a significant driver of costs, making it imperative for CFOs to implement sustainable energy strategies.

Planning ahead is crucial for CFOs who want to ensure their organisation's future-proofing. While the challenges may seem daunting, they present opportunities for businesses to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. By focusing on these three areas, CFOs can strike a balance between cost and ROI while ensuring their organisation remains competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

Are You Being Too Soft as a Leader? You Might Need to Try a Different Approach

As a leader, it is important to provide purpose and direction to your team. However, if you find yourself struggling with low productivity and low morale among team members, it may be time to reevaluate your leadership style. While a rigid approach may work for some teams, it can also lead to resentment and disengagement from others.

According to Jason Miller, author of "The Future-Proof Workplace," successful leaders are those who can adapt their style based on the needs of their team. This means being willing to shift from a soft approach to a more assertive one when necessary in order to keep employees motivated and engaged. By finding the right balance between being supportive and holding team members accountable, you can create an environment where everyone feels valued and challenged to do their best work.

Discover the Key Takeaways to Simplify, Unify and Innovate

Happy Couple Holding and Showing a House Key
Credit:, Happy Couple Holding and Showing a House Key

Simplifying and unifying processes can future-proof businesses by reducing costs and increasing agility. One way to achieve this is by consolidating existing platforms and assets, which reduces complexity and the need for multiple systems. This not only saves money but also streamlines operations, making it easier to introduce deployments and innovations.

Another key takeaway is leveraging data to drive decision-making through AI. By automating tasks and analyzing data, businesses can make informed decisions that lead to rapid payback. AI businesses are leading the charge in innovation by using machine learning algorithms to identify trends, predict outcomes, and optimize processes. Overall, simplifying processes and leveraging technology can help businesses remain agile in an increasingly competitive market while also being more efficient with their resources.

A Guy Is Using ChatGPT to Turn $100 Into a Business Making as Much Money as Possible. Here Are the First 4 Steps the AI Chatbot Gave Him.

Watch With Straps Beside Smartphone on Table
Credit:, Watch With Straps Beside Smartphone on Table

A guy named Jacob Zinkula decided to use ChatGPT to turn $100 into a business that makes as much money as possible. He was given the first four steps by an AI Chatbot named Aaron Mok. The goal is to future proof the business, meaning it will be able to withstand changes and challenges in the future.

The first step that Aaron gave Jacob was to identify a problem that people need solving. Then, he was advised to do research on potential solutions for the problem. After researching, he should have at least three viable ideas for solving the problem. Once he has these ideas, he needs to test them out and see which one is the most effective. By following these steps, Jacob can ensure that his business idea is a solid one and can withstand any challenges in the future.

Discover Further: Uncover More about the Topic


If you're interested in future-proofing your business, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. One of the best ways to ensure long-term success is by reinventing operations and finding opportunity for growth. This might mean investing in new technology, building stronger relationships with customers or suppliers, or exploring new markets and products. By actively seeking out these opportunities, you can stay ahead of the curve and build a resilient business that can weather any challenge.

Discover the Creative Mind Behind the Words

Mysterious female with face painted half in white and half in black colors standing with closed eyes against light background
Credit:, Mysterious female with face painted half in white and half in black colors standing with closed eyes against light background

Mark held a key part in the oil industry as an international CFO. His finance experience contributes greatly to his dynamic objective approach, which he applies to leadership teams driving growth. Mark's career spread across various industries and continents, spending time in both the UK and Asia.

In his previous roles, Mark returned great results by focusing on pursuing excellent customer outcomes while creating a balanced product portfolio. As a trained accountant (ACCA) who also studied economics, he brings a unique perspective to the table. Despite having three children, Mark continues to push himself to future proof his skills by continuously learning and evolving.

1. Sanjay Ravi on Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Sanjay Ravi, Managing Director of WW Discrete Manufacturing Industry, has explored major themes in digital transformation in manufacturing. In his article titled "Digital Transformation in Manufacturing," he highlights the importance of embracing technology to future-proof businesses.

Ravi argues that companies must adopt a data-driven approach to stay ahead of the competition and increase efficiency. He also emphasizes the need for collaboration between IT and operations departments to implement successful digital transformations. Overall, Ravi's insights provide valuable guidance for companies looking to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing industry. If you're interested in learning more about the intersection of technology and manufacturing, be sure to give his article a read!

Architecture, engineering and construction[edit]


Future-proofing is a term used in the AEC industry to describe the process of designing and constructing buildings that can withstand future events. Whether it's historic buildings like MAFF Laboratories in York, England or new construction projects, future-proofing is crucial to ensure long-term success. In static scientific research and bridge construction, fatigue proofing is a similar term used to describe steel cover plates that prevent failure due to fatigue cracking.

Future-proofing suggests extensive refurbishments within the proposed time horizon of 25 years or more. Future-proof improvements include increased health, safety, life cycle duration, quality, installation, security and sound control. Additionally, noise pollution adaptable spatial design and reduced carbon footprint are also key factors for future-proof buildings with smart energy solutions.

Sustainable obsolescence proposes ways for sustainable design goals so that buildings no longer meet their intended purposes. Reasonable approaches to future-proof sustainable cities require an integrated multi-disciplinary combination of urban environments and resilience. An exact understanding of broad programs and view events under regional stresses can help create a resilient urban environment with options open that emphasize diversity and perform long-range planning against external systemic shocks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can CFOs attract and retain tech-savvy people?

CFOs can attract and retain tech-savvy people by offering competitive salaries, providing opportunities for professional growth, fostering a positive company culture, and providing access to cutting-edge technologies.

Is automation 'future-proofing' your career?

No, automation is not a guarantee that your career will be future-proofed. While it can improve efficiency and productivity, it's important to continually develop new skills and adapt to changing technology in order to stay relevant in the workforce.

Do you have to work in Tech to have a career?

No, you don't have to work in tech to have a successful career. There are many industries and job roles where technology is not the primary focus, but still require skills that are transferable to tech-related positions.

What do CFOs look for in new hires?

CFOs look for candidates with a strong financial background, relevant experience, and excellent communication skills. They also value candidates who can demonstrate strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

How can I future proof my career?

To future proof your career, focus on developing skills that are in high demand and likely to remain relevant in the future. This might include technical skills like coding or data analysis, as well as soft skills like communication and adaptability. Keep learning and stay up-to-date with industry trends to ensure you're always prepared for whatever comes next.

Clifford Rowe

Senior Writer

Clifford Rowe is an experienced business consultant and writer with over 25 years of experience in various industries. He has a keen interest in marketing, branding, and entrepreneurship, and has helped numerous businesses grow and scale their operations. Clifford's articles have been featured in several publications, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc.